Between 2 Pastries: 4-Week Self-Guided Video Series!!


Self-Guided 4-Week Video Series

Week 1: We discuss Balanced Eating and Timing. What does that even mean?! So many people don't understand what balance actually is because they are so lost in the webbing of diet culture, false claims, and skewed research. Let's unravel all of that and talk about what food balance really is.
Week 2:  Body Image. What actually does it mean to have positive body image? How do you achieve it? Let's talk about body image and its relationship to our eating behaviors.
Week 3: Movement and Eating. Whether you are a general exerciser or pro athlete, it's so important to understand the relationship between all your movement, food, and your body. Not one body is alike so why are we all doing the same thing?!
Week 4: We tackle  Sleep, Stress, and Hormones. You may think this topic isn't that important but when was the last time you recall having a restful night of sleep, or not feeling stressed?...or not wondering why your body is changing?....or mood all over the place? Food and its relationship to sleep, stress, and hormones is a topic that must be discussed.


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