What is Nutritional Yeast?

What is Nutritional Yeast?

What is Nutritional Yeast?  Recently I received an inquiry from a client around nutrition yeast. What the heck is this stuff? I usually only talk about this with my vegan clients because it is a naturally high source of vitamin B12 and vegans have a very limited food...
Let’s Talk Vegetables!

Let’s Talk Vegetables!

Let’s Talk Vegetables!   Let’s talk vegetables! Vegetables are one of my absolute staples in every meal. I love most every vegetable and can’t think of one I don’t really like or won’t eat. Many of my clients would definitely disagree!  Where do you stand...


Squash   Yes, squash! I know, why am I doing an entire blog post on this. Simply because Squash is awesome for you. And because there isn’t enough highlighting the benefits of these vegetables, its worth writing about! Recently, I had made a roasted butternut...